Hey, how’s it goin? It’s DaveTheNurse here with the Health & Wealth Academy. Here’s a question for our Friday Q&A for you. A reader sent me a question “Dave, how do you retain employees in this market?”
Over the past 13 years, it’s been difficult to keep and retain great employees. What we’ve had to do is offer them an opportunity of a lifetime. But how do you do that when you’re a new business? It can get expensive.
At my company Advanced Clinical, we start paying our caregivers at $17.50/hr. We know we’re going to make less profit, but more volume. So that’s number 1.
Number 2, we have a program where our caregivers can rent cars from us for $50/week. They can keep that car 24-7. Number 3, we offer our caregivers the ability to buy into our healthcare system. It allows them the opportunity to work for a company that will pay a percentage of that healthcare responsibility.
Number 4, we also treat our caregivers like family. We communicate well, we’re there for them. Our employees are very important to us. And they reward us with their loyalty.
I promise you, if you take care of your people, they will take care of you.
If you have a question you’d like me to try to answer, send an email to me at HAWacademybiz@gmail.com and I’ll do my best to answer your question.
Get to know more about me on my website and learn more about my Nurse Entrepreneur courses on the Health & Wealth Academy website.